Fusion Directory - Emails derived from DN
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FusionDirectory - audit tasks retention
read morefdTasksReminderListOfRecipientsMails
Fusion Directory - Following attribute contain the list of members and groups DN recipients to notifications.
read morefdTasksReminderMailTemplate
Fusion Directory - Tasks for mail template objects
read morefdTasksReminderMembers
Fusion Directory - Following attribute contain the list of members and groups to monitor.
read morefdTasksReminderNextResource
Fusion Directory - Tasks for life cycle - new state
read morefdTasksReminderNextState
Fusion Directory - Tasks for life cycle - new state
read morefdTasksReminderNextSubState
Fusion Directory - Tasks for life cycle - new state
read morefdTasksReminderPosix
Allow a given task to be repeatable
read morefdTasksReminderRecipientsMembers
Fusion Directory - Following attribute contain the list of members and groups to monitor.
read morefdTasksReminderResource
Fusion Directory - Tasks for life cycle - new state
read morefdTasksReminderSecondCall
FusionDirectory - audit tasks retention
read morefdTasksReminderState
Fusion Directory - Tasks for life cycle - new state
read morefdTasksReminderSubState
Fusion Directory - Tasks for life cycle - new state
read morefdTasksReminderSupannNewEndDate
FusionDirectory - audit tasks retention
read morefdTasksReminder
FusionDirectory user-reminder plugin workflow tasks
read morefdUserReminderExpiration
FusionDirectory - User reminder expiration emails
read morefdUserReminderExpirationBody
Fusion Directory - User reminder expired email body
read morefdUserReminderExpirationSubject
Fusion Directory - User reminder expired email subject
read morefdUserReminderForwardExpiration
FusionDirectory - User reminder forward expiration emails to manager
read morefdUserReminderForwardPpolicyAlert
FusionDirectory - Forward ppolicy alerts to manager
read morefdUserReminderPpolicyAlertBody
Fusion Directory - User reminder ppolicy alert email body
read morefdUserReminderPpolicyAlertSubject
Fusion Directory - User reminder ppolicy alert email subject
read morefdUserReminderUseAlternate
FusionDirectory - Use alternate addresses
read morefdReminderTokenRDN
FusionDirectory - User Reminder Token RDN
read morefdUserReminderAlertBody
Fusion Directory - User reminder alert email body
read morefdUserReminderAlertDelay
FusionDirectory - Days before expiration to send the first mail
read morefdUserReminderAlertSubject
Fusion Directory - User reminder alert email subject
read morefdUserReminderConfirmationBody
Fusion Directory - User reminder confirmation email body
read morefdUserReminderConfirmationSubject
Fusion Directory - User reminder confirmation email subject
read morefdUserReminderEmail
Fusion Directory - User reminder sender email
read morefdUserReminderForwardAlert
FusionDirectory - Forward alerts to manager
read morefdUserReminderForwardConfirmation
FusionDirectory - Forward postpone confirmations to manager
read morefdUserReminderPostponeDays
FusionDirectory - Number of days to postpone the expiration of
read morefdUserReminderResendDelay
FusionDirectory - Days before sending a second mail (0 to disable)
read morefdUserReminderPluginConf
FusionDirectory user-reminder plugin configuration
read moreuser-reminder-fd-conf.schema
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