FusionDirectory inventory information - CPUS
read morefdInventoryDRIVES
FusionDirectory inventory information - DRIVES
read morefdInventoryENVS
FusionDirectory inventory information - ENVS
read morefdInventoryHARDWARE
FusionDirectory inventory information - HARDWARE
read morefdInventoryINPUTS
FusionDirectory inventory information - INPUTS
read morefdInventoryLICENSEINFOS
FusionDirectory inventory information - LICENSEINFOS
read morefdInventoryLOCALGROUPS
FusionDirectory inventory information - LOCALGROUPS
read morefdInventoryLOCALUSERS
FusionDirectory inventory information - LOCALUSERS
read morefdInventoryLOGICALVOLUMES
FusionDirectory inventory information - LOGICALVOLUMES
read morefdInventoryMEMORIES
FusionDirectory inventory information - MEMORIES
read morefdInventoryMODEMS
FusionDirectory inventory information - MODEMS
read morefdInventoryMONITORS
FusionDirectory inventory information - MONITORS
read morefdInventoryNETWORKS
FusionDirectory inventory information - NETWORKS
read morefdInventoryOPERATINGSYSTEM
FusionDirectory inventory information - OPERATINGSYSTEM
read morefdInventoryPHYSICALVOLUMES
FusionDirectory inventory information - PHYSICALVOLUMES
read morefdInventoryPluginConf
FusionDirectory inventory configuration
read morefdInventoryPORTS
FusionDirectory inventory information - PORTS
read morefdInventoryPRINTERS
FusionDirectory inventory information - PRINTERS
read morefdInventoryPROCESSES
FusionDirectory inventory information - PROCESSES
read morefdInventoryREGISTRY
FusionDirectory inventory information - REGISTRY
read morefdInventoryRUDDER
FusionDirectory inventory information - RUDDER
read morefdInventorySLOTS
FusionDirectory inventory information - SLOTS
read morefdInventorySOFTWARES
FusionDirectory inventory information - SOFTWARES
read morefdInventorySOUNDS
FusionDirectory inventory information - SOUNDS
read morefdInventorySTORAGES
FusionDirectory inventory information - STORAGES
read morefdInventoryUSBDEVICES
FusionDirectory inventory information - USBDEVICES
read morefdInventoryUSERS
FusionDirectory inventory information - USERS
read morefdInventoryVIDEOS
FusionDirectory inventory information - VIDEOS
read morefdInventoryVIRTUALMACHINES
FusionDirectory inventory information - VIRTUALMACHINES
read morefdInventoryVOLUMEGROUPS
FusionDirectory inventory information - VOLUMEGROUPS
read morefdPostfixTransportTable
FusionDirectory - Postfix transport table line
read morefdRepositoryPluginConf
FusionDirectory repository plugin configuration
read morefdSogoPluginConf
FusionDirectory sogo plugin configuration
read morefusionInventoryAgent
FusionInventory Agent configuration
read moreInventoryInfo
Calendar Resource Inventory Info Class
read moreipmiInterface
An IPMI client
read morepgpElement
PGP defined objectclass of a single admin pref object
read morepgpKeyInfo
PGP defined objectclass to maintain information about a PGP key
read morepgpProfile
PGP defined objectclass of a collection admin prefs
read morepgpReconElement
PGP defined objectclass of a reconstruction data object
read morepgpServerInfo
PGP defined objectclass to maintain information about PGP key space store
read moreSchedApprovalInfo
Calendar Sched Approval Class
read morewebLink
FusionDirectory - weblink tab
read moreargonautClient
An argonaut client
read moreargonautDNSConfig
An argonaut config for ldap2zone
read moreargonautFuseConfig
An argonaut config for fuse
read moreargonautFuseFAIConfig
An argonaut config for fuse FAI module
read moreargonautFuseLTSPConfig
An argonaut config for fuse LTSP module
read moreargonautFuseOPSIConfig
An argonaut config for fuse OPSI module
read moreargonautMirrorConfig
An argonaut config for debconf-crawler and ldap2repositry
read more