FusionDirectory - DNS host
read morefdDNSView
FusionDirectory - DNS view for split horizon
read morefdNewsletterAccount
FusionDirectory - A user account for newsletter plugin
read morefdNewsletterPluginConf
FusionDirectory newsletter plugin configuration
read morefdSubcontractingPerson
FusionDirectory - A subcontracting person
read moresambaConfig
Samba Configuration Section
read moresambaConfigOption
Samba Configuration Option
read moresambaDomain
Samba Domain Information
read moresambaGroupMapping
Samba Group Mapping
read moresambaIdmapEntry
Mapping from a SID to an ID
read moresambaSamAccount
Samba 3.0 Auxilary SAM Account
read moresambaShare
Samba Share Section
read moresambaSidEntry
Structural Class for a SID
read moresambaTrustedDomainPassword
Samba Trusted Domain Password
read moresambaTrustPassword
Samba Trust Password
read moresambaUnixIdPool
Pool for allocating UNIX uids/gids
read moreargonautFAIMonitorConfig
Argonaut FAI monitor configuration
read morefdAsteriskPluginConf
FusionDirectory asterisk plugin configuration
read morefdPasswordRecoveryConf
FusionDirectory password recovery configuration
read morefdPhone
FusionDirectory phone class
read morefdTemplate
FusionDirectory - template object
read morefdDashboardPluginConf
FusionDirectory dashboard plugin configuration
read morefdGroupMail
Basic user group mailing list
read morefdPersonalPluginConf
FusionDirectory personal plugin configuration
read morefdPpolicyPluginConf
FusionDirectory ppolicy plugin configuration
read morefdApplicationRights
FusionDirectory - Applications user rights
read morefdApplicationsPluginConf
FusionDirectory applications plugin configuration
read morefdDesktopApplication
FusionDirectory - desktop Applications storage for FusionDirectory
read morefdEjbcaCertificates
FusionDirectory - EJBCA certificate liaison
read morefdEjbcaPluginConf
FusionDirectory ejbca plugin configuration
read morefdPersonalInfo
FusionDirectory - User personal tab
read morefdWebApplication
FusionDirectory - Web Applications storage for FusionDirectory
read morefdWebservicePluginConf
FusionDirectory webservice plugin configuration
read moreipmiClient
An IPMI client
read moreAdmittanceInfo
Calendar Resource Admittance Info Class
read moreCalendarResource
Calendar Resource Object Class
read moreCalendarResourceCost
Calendar Resource Cost Object Class
read morecalEntry
Calendering and free/busy information
read morefdBuildRepository
FusionDirectory - Build repository server description
read morefdBuildRepositoryDistribution
FusionDirectory - Build repository distribution description
read morefdBuildRepositorySection
FusionDirectory - Build repository section description
read morefdDnsPluginConf
FusionDirectory dns plugin configuration
read morefdDovecotServer
FusionDirectory - Dovecot server description
read morefdGpgAccount
FusionDirectory - User GPG tab
read morefdInventoryACCESSLOG
FusionDirectory inventory information - ACCESSLOG
read morefdInventoryANTIVIRUS
FusionDirectory inventory information - ANTIVIRUS
read morefdInventoryBATTERIES
FusionDirectory inventory information - BATTERIES
read morefdInventoryBIOS
FusionDirectory inventory information - BIOS
read morefdInventoryContent
FusionDirectory inventory information
read morefdInventoryCONTROLLERS
FusionDirectory inventory information - CONTROLLERS
read more