Last known state
- OID:
- Description: GOsa - Container object for undo and snapshot data
- Obsolete: No
- MUST attributes: fdSnapshotDataSource gosaSnapshotDN gosaSnapshotData gosaSnapshotTimestamp
- MAY attributes: description fdSnapshotObjectType
- Added in core-fd.schema in 1.0.5
- Added MAY attributes gosaSnapshotType in
- Removed MUST attributes gosaSnapshotType in
- Description changed from "Container object for undo and snapshot data (v2.6.1)" to "GOsa - Container object for undo and snapshot data (v2.6.1)" in
- Description changed from "GOsa - Container object for undo and snapshot data (v2.6.1)" to "GOsa - Container object for undo and snapshot data" in 1.0.9
- Removed MAY attributes gosaSnapshotType in 1.0.9
- Added MAY attributes fdSnapshotObjectType in 1.4
- Added MUST attributes fdSnapshotDataSource in 1.4
- Last seen in core-fd.schema in 1.5