Last known state
- OID: 2.16.840.1.38414.
- Description: The starting & ending IP Addresses in the range (inclusive) separated by a space; if the range only contains one address then just the address can be specified. Each range is defined as a separate value.
- Obsolete: No
- Multivalued: Yes
- Required by: dhcpPool
- Used in: dhcpSubnet
- Added in dhcp-fd.schema in 1.0.5
- Description changed from "The starting & ending IP Addresses in the range (inclusive) separated by a hyphen; if the range only contains one address then just the address can be specified with no hyphen. Each range is defined as a separate value." to "The starting & ending IP Addresses in the range (inclusive) separated by a space; if the range only contains one address then just the address can be specified. Each range is defined as a separate value." in 1.1
- Last seen in dhcp-fd.schema in 1.5