GOto - keeps printers shown for this user
read moregotoXColordepth
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xColordepth.
read moregotoXDriver
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xDriver.
read moregotoXHsync
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xHsync.
read moregotoXKbLayout
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xKblayout.
read moregotoXKbModel
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xKbmodel.
read moregotoXKbVariant
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xKbvariant.
read moregotoXMonitor
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xMonitor.
read moregotoXMouseButtons
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xMouseButtons.
read moregotoXMouseport
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xMouseport.
read moregotoXMouseType
Hardware definitions value Type of mouse
read moregotoXResolution
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xResolution.
read moregotoXVsync
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept value xVsync.
read moreprinterWindowsDriverDir
Path to directory that contains windows drivers for this printer
read moreprinterWindowsDriverName
Windows name of the printer driver
read moreprinterWindowsInfFile
Path to windows inf file for this printer
read moregoCupsServer
CUPS server description
read moregoFaxServer
Fax server description
read moregoFonServer
Fon server description
read moreGOhard
Gonicus Hardware definitions objectclass
read moregoLogDBServer
Log DB server description
read moregoNfsServer
NFS server description
read moregoNtpServer
Time server description
read moregosaAccount
GOsa - Class for GOsa Accounts
read moregosaAdministrativeUnit
Marker for administrational units (v2.6.1)
read moregosaAdministrativeUnitTag
Marker for objects below administrational units (v2.6.1)
read moregosaCacheEntry
GOsa - Class for GOsa caching
read moregosaLockEntry
GOsa - Class for GOsa locking
read moregosaObject
GOsa - Class for GOsa settings
read moregosaUserTemplate
GOsa - Class for GOsa User Templates
read moregoServer
Server description
read moregoSyslogServer
Syslog server description
read moregotoDevice
GOto - contains environment settings
read moregotoEnvironment
GOto - contains environment settings
read moregotoPrinter
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept objectclass
read moregotoTerminal
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept objectclass
read moregotoTerminalTemplate
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept objectclass
read moregotoWorkstation
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept objectclass
read moregotoWorkstationTemplate
GOto - Gonicus Terminal Concept objectclass
read moregoVirusServer
Virus server definition
read more