Provides per object repository informations.
read moreFAIrepositoryServer
Provides repository informations.
read moreFAIscript
FAI script storage
read moreFAIscriptEntry
FAI script storage
read moreFAItemplate
Container for template objects
read moreFAItemplateEntry
Stores real file templates
read moreFAIvariable
Stores FAI variables sub entries
read moreFAIvariableEntry
Stores single variable entries
read morefdAliasPluginConf
FusionDirectory alias plugin configuration
read morefdAutofsPluginConf
FusionDirectory autofs plugin configuration
read morefdCyrusServer
FusionDirectory - Cyrus server description
read morefdDsaPluginConf
FusionDirectory dsa plugin configuration
read morefdFaiPluginConf
FusionDirectory fai plugin configuration
read morefdImapServer
FusionDirectory basic imap service
read morefdMailPluginConf
FusionDirectory mail plugin configuration
read morefdMobilePhone
FusionDirectory mobile phone class
read morefdNetgroupPluginConf
FusionDirectory netgroup plugin configuration
read morefdOpsiPluginConf
FusionDirectory OPSI plugin configuration
read morefdPostfixServer
FusionDirectory - Postfix server definition
read morefdSambaPluginConf
FusionDirectory samba plugin configuration
read morefdSudoPluginConf
FusionDirectory sudo plugin configuration
read morefdSupannPluginConf
FusionDirectory SupAnn plugin configuration
read morefdSystemsPluginConf
FusionDirectory systems plugin configuration
read morefusionDirectoryConf
FusionDirectory configuration
read morefusionDirectoryPluginsConf
FusionDirectory plugins configuration
read moregoCupsServer
CUPS server description
read moregoFaxServer
Fax server description
read moregoFonServer
Fon server description
read moreGOhard
Gonicus Hardware definitions objectclass
read moregoLdapServer
LDAP server description
read moregoLogDBServer
Log DB server description
read moregoNfsServer
NFS server description
read moregoNtpServer
Time server description
read moregosaAccount
GOsa - Class for GOsa Accounts
read moregosaAcl
GOsa - ACL container to define single ACLs
read moregosaAdministrativeUnit
Marker for administrational units (v2.6.1)
read moregosaAdministrativeUnitTag
Marker for objects below administrational units (v2.6.1)
read moregosaApplication
Class for GOsa applications (v2.6.1)
read moregosaApplicationGroup
Class for GOsa application groups (v2.6.1)
read moregosaCacheEntry
GOsa - Class for GOsa caching
read moregosaDepartment
GOsa - Class to mark Departments for GOsa
read moregosaGroupOfNames
GOsa - Adds the gosaGroupObjects field to groupOfNames
read moregosaLockEntry
GOsa - Class for GOsa locking
read moregosaMailAccount
Basic user mail account
read moregosaObject
GOsa - Class for GOsa settings
read moregosaRole
GOsa - ACL container to define ACL roles
read moregosaSnapshotObject
GOsa - Container object for undo and snapshot data
read moregosaUserTemplate
GOsa - Class for GOsa User Templates
read moregoServer
Server description
read moregoShareServer
Share server description
read more